
Azure Standard – Review and FAQs

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About 18 months ago we started buying groceries from a company named Azure Standard. This company, based in the pacific northwest, offers clean ingredient foods and household products. In rural areas like ours, they make clean, healthy food more accessible and affordable. While Azure Standard does not have brick and mortar stores, they deliver to drop sites all around the United States.

Disclaimer: The opinions stated here are my own, however, I am an affiliate and I do receive commission if someone signs up using my link. Thank you!

To sign up and join a drop site, click here: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=a54f8bce6f

What is a drop site? Azure Standard loads up delivery trucks full of orders and makes stops at their “drop sites”. These sites have been set up by a local “drop coordinator” and are generally places like a park, church, or other large parking lots. You can join any site near you through the Azure Standard website. If you join a drop site, you can then place an order online for the next available delivery window listed on the site. Exact dates and times are set only after orders are received, so flexibility is important. If you do not have a drop near you, you can apply to start one and become a drop coordinator. However, drops do have minimum order requirements depending on how far off the current route they are located. You will need a lot of interest before you take the next step to start a drop.

How do I order? You can build a cart on the Azure Standard website. Once you have joined a drop, the order due date and expected shipping dates will be listed. Once you place your order you can continue to add to it until the window closes. After the order window closes, you will receive a shipping notice as well as a specific time and date for the pickup. You may want to coordinate with family or friends who can help pick up if the time is inconvenient for you. Some drop coordinators are also willing to hold orders, but this will vary by location and finding a pickup person is preferred.

What products do you recommend? We use Azure Standard products all throughout our home and farm, from organic flour to dish soap, to cattle minerals. I have a few videos available that highlight some of our favorites, or you can follow along on Youtube for future reviews as well. Visit youtube.com/@scottfamilyhomestead

Some of my favorite products include: Azure organic flour, organic cane sugar, organic rolled oats, Azure dish soap, Azure hand soap, spices, organic noodles, organic Rumiano cheese and butter, Redmond salt products and cattle minerals, avocado oil, canned beans, and canning jars. While I love their products for the most part, I have had bad luck with their fresh produce. They are great about giving refunds for bad product, but it isn’t worth the risk in my opinion. I know others have had better experiences, but I generally avoid the produce now. Choose some of their frozen options if you are looking for fruits and veggies.

Why Azure? I love Azure standard because I prefer to buy in bulk for the best savings. We have limited organic foods available to us locally and Azure opens up a whole variety of foods we wouldn’t otherwise be able to buy. We have been able to use Azure to stock our pantry with cleaner ingredients we can feel good about. I did not begin by buying bulk all at once. The first month I ordered 25lb of flour, followed by 25lb of organic cane sugar, and eventually 25lb organic rolled oats. Buying in bulk can get expensive, so it’s okay to take your time and stagger your purchases. Before you know it, you will have built up a beautifully stocked pantry.

What are the additional fees? There is a small order fee, shipping fee, and a fee for using your credit card. Placing an order every other month or less often can help eliminate the small order fee. You are not required to order monthly and some drops even operate on an every other month schedule to help reach minimum order amounts. You also have the option of linking a checking account to eliminate the credit card fees. The shipping fees can’t be avoided, however shopping the sale section can help lessen the overall cost. Azure also has a referral program, which can give you a credit for helping new customers get started. Between these options I have found Azure Standard to be very cost effective, even with the shipping charges.

Learn more and sign up here: https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=a54f8bce6f
