
Top 10 Easy Indoor Activities for Kids

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If you find yourself needing to work from home or just need to get some things done while the kids are around, this list is for you! Keeping kids occupied while you try to get work done can be difficult, but it’s our normal around here. I’ve put together a list of tried and true activities that keep my kids busy when I need some time to get stuff done or when my husband (who works from home) needs some space to work. I tried to limit this list to common household items so you won’t need to go out and purchase anything new and most of these activities can be done indoors and without screen time.

  1. Have a dance party: Our kids are easily entertained with a dance party for 20+ minutes, especially if they help make the playlist. You can also make a playlist on Youtube of music videos if they need some help with their dance moves. Our kids (ages 1, 3, and 5) love Cowboy Boogie by Blanco Brown and JoJo Siwa’s song Bop. They will watch these videos over and over trying to perfect their dance moves.
  2. Make a bucket list: Each summer we make a summer fun list. To make this a more independent activity, have each kid write or draw their favorite activities for the season and then get together to make one big list. Once I write all of their suggestions down, they get to decorate the paper with their own pictures.
  3. Scavenger hunts: These can be as easy or complicated as you want to make them. When our kids are little we just make a list or drawing of different colors and have the kids find an object that matches that color. As the kids get older, we choose objects like “red car” and either draw a picture that represents the object and write the words. You can include numbers too. For example, “4 blue blocks”. I usually make 4-5 lists with 10 items each so they can get a new one as long as they are interested. They are easy to make ahead of time and you can bring out time and time again.
  4. Paper airplanes: My husband is great at folding paper airplanes and it doesn’t take much time. If you let the kids draw on and color a piece of paper first, you will get even more entertainment time out of this activity. Then, let them fly!
  5. ABC search: Have your child search for all of the letters of the ABCs in your home. If they don’t have a kids camera, send them around the house with the camera on your cell phone (or an old one) or tablet. Have them find and photograph all of the letters of the ABCs. If you have little ones who don’t quite know their ABCs but have an older sibling who can help, have the oldest find the letters and let the little be the camera operator.
  6. Make and mail cards: This is solid entertainment for our kids. They love to make cards for cousins, grandparents, and friends. We should get better about actually sending their drawings, but this activity will keep them occupied for a good amount of time.
  7. Make a blanket fort: This one is a classic. You don’t need anything fancy to make a great blanket fort. I find a sheet to work better than a heavier blanket, but the couch cushions and coffee table make an awesome hideout. You can also make an obstacle course in your living room.
  8. Use old magazines: Our kids love to circle things in magazines and store catalogs. From finding their favorite toys to finding all of the letters of the alphabet, this is a good way to use up magazines or newspapers.
  9. Make a treasure map: Kids love treasure. If we dress them up as pirates they have even more fun following our map or directions to find hidden treasure in the house. This activity takes just a little bit of prep work. You can hide one thing or hide hints in different spots to lead to a big prize. Hints can be as simple as a drawing or a more complex riddle for the older kids. When the kids find the treasure, let them hide something and make a map for you!
  10. Bowling: You can easily use plastic cups, empty soda cans, or even small action figures for a DIY bowling game. Use a soft ball to keep the noise down. Teach the kids to line up the “pins” or make it into a stacking game.

I hope this list helps! I know there have been days where I have struggled to keep the kids entertained, especially those rainy, dreary days. Don’t forget to follow us at ScottFamilyHomestead on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for more ideas!


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