
Ezra is 1 Month Old!

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Little E is growing like crazy and is already a month old! Between adjusting to our new normal and celebrating the holidays, these past few weeks have flown by. Ryan was able to take 8 days off of work when Ezra was born and has enough vacation time left to take Fridays off through December. We are enjoying our extra time with him. Ezra has now celebrated his first Halloween and Thanksgiving and is preparing for his first Christmas!



Ezra weighs a little over 12 lbs and is 23 inches long! He was born in the 98th percentile and it looks like he is going to keep growing that way. We have struggled a bit with breastfeeding this time around, but we are both starting to get the hang of it and he is putting on weight now. At the end of December I will reach a combined total of 36 months of breastfeeding. 3 whole years!



Ezra is an amazing sleeper. We have been seriously spoiled by this one. He generally sleeps about 4-5 hours, wakes up once to eat, and then sleeps another 3-4 hours. Without the sleep deprivation we might even remember the newborn days this time! Ezra loves to be swaddled and falls right to sleep when he gets comfortable.



Harrison and Micah have been loving on this cutie. Micah is especially enamoured with him and I have a feeling they are going to be best buddies. Ezra has started to coo and smile, so he is a little more fun for the kids now.

I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season! I am hoping to get back to blogging as things settle down, so keep an eye out. I’m over on Instagram with daily updates, so check out ScottFamilyHomestead over there too!


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