
July 2018 Garden Update

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Wow, this summer has gotten away from me! Winter was LONG in Wisconsin this year and spring came in a hurry. We ended up only having a couple of weeks to get all of our spring to do list done.



Our biggest and most successful project was once again our garden. In May I was able to add all new river rock between our garden beds. We also added some square footage and this was the first year we were able to utilize our greenhouse in the spring. I started tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and some flowers inside in April. Everything else went right into the garden beds in late May.



Once all the river rock was laid, we planted our seedlings and seeds. Most of our seeds came from Baker Creek. This year we planted:

  • Buttercrunch Lettuce
  • Scarlet Globe Radish
  • Blue Lake Bush Beans
  • Cauliflower Rober
  • Waltham Broccoli
  • Cucumbers Chicago Pickle
  • Summer Squash Odessa
  • Old Homestead Pole Beans
  • Black Beauty Zucchini
  • German Red Tomatoes
  • Tappy Heritage Tomatoes
  • Spinach
  • Blacktail Mountain Watermelon
  • Cosmic Purple Carrots
  • Danvers Carrots
  • Sunflower Arikara



We have had major success with our garden this year, especially with the lettuce, bush beans, radishes, and zucchini. I expect many tomatoes and cucumbers to come. Everything else has grown really well and is putting out fruit as we speak.



My favorites this year are the beautiful marigolds, German red tomatoes, and the cosmic purple carrots. I’m also silly excited about our tiny little watermelons. The kids are most excited about the carrots and pick one every day to see how big they are. As a bonus, I don’t have to thin them out myself!



As the season wraps up I will have better reviews on the individual plant varieties, but as of right now I am very happy with everything we have planted. This year we skipped the pumpkins (they take up so much room) and peppers (which have never grown well here).

The kids are loving the garden and will eat everything raw when we pick it. Yesterday we picked 2 lbs of green beans and the kids were munching the entire time. It makes everything worth it!



For more details on the garden this year, be sure to check out ScottFamilyHomestead on Instagram and see the saved stories in my profile!


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