
2017 Christmas Pictures – Little Blue Truck

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Merry Christmas from our family to yours!



When you have a little blue truck, you have to take advantage and use it in photo shoots! We got an early snow this year and I just had to take advantage. This is a 1964 Ford F100 long box. It fills Ryan’s need for a manual truck and my need for a photography backdrop. We got a really great deal on it (it wasn’t currently running). Ryan fixed it up and got it back on the road. It has been a really fun project.



We always take our own Christmas photos with a DSLR (I have an older Canon Rebel) and tripod as soon as we get a good snow. It isn’t always easy to get the kids to look and smile, but this year they did awesome. I think as long as it is exciting they will take good pictures, but that gives you about a 5 minute window. Getting the dogs to look too was an extra challenge, but it only took 1 minute to get this photo. We would love to have some professional photography done, but it never seems to be in the budget around the holidays. These turned out great though, and I couldn’t be happier.



I dressed the truck up with a Christmas tree, some Christmas themed pillows, and a little bit of plaid (that is actually a SmartBottoms nursing scarf). The kids were in a great mood and happy to be playing in the truck.



Ryan and I were able to get a couple of photos together too, something we haven’t done in a very long time. We need more photos displayed in our house and I think these might just have to be some of them.



Are you a Christmas photo family? Do you send out cards or e-cards? We send out some photo cards, but I love to share here too. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more Christmas fun!


3 responses to “2017 Christmas Pictures – Little Blue Truck”

  1. Tara Avatar

    I love sending out cards in the mail! This is the only time of year I get excited to ‘get the mail’! Loved receiving yours; what a great idea!

  2. Diane Avatar

    Great pics! Your photography is very professional looking, no need to hire someone! I enjoy your posts and appreciate the way you keep us all updated and included!

  3. Gerald taylor Avatar
    Gerald taylor

    Love these pictures. No need for a professional you do as good as they can. Yes you have beautiful subjects, including Ryan, guess should say handsome. I love mailing cards.

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