
2017 Halloween Pumpkins

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Anybody else have kids acting a little demonic lately? No, just Micah? Hmmm, ok…


Anyways, we carved pumpkins tonight and it was an adventure for all of us. Micah was just so excited someone gave him a marker to draw on his pumpkin and Harrison was completely grossed out that we wanted him to scoop out the seeds. Eventually, I managed to clean out and carve both pumpkins without too much of a mess, and some help from my wonderful husband. Carving pumpkins is such a classic family event, and I’m happy the kids were excited about it.




Of course, Micah wore his Halloween costume to match his pumpkin. I always free hand carvings, we don’t do fancy stuff around here. Micah wanted a bat, and he had bat wings to match. (Target had this shirt with removable bat wings for under $8!) Having an 18 month old is a handful. I don’t remember Harrison being quite this adventurous.  Micah is a sweet but energetic kid. He is almost always smiling and having fun.




Harrison drew his pumpkin face all by himself and I cut it out for him. He thinks it is the greatest thing ever. Of course, he won’t touch it, because it’s yucky. Maybe next year?



Overall, tonight was another classic, fun adventure. We put the pumpkins on the porch with candles, but before long they will be chicken food. We have some other fun Halloween plans coming up that we are all excited for. It has been a fun, but short fall. We have already seen our first snowflakes and should have some snow on the ground tonight. Bring on November and all of the fun winter weather!



One response to “2017 Halloween Pumpkins”

  1. Tara Avatar

    It’s these type of memories and traditions I can’t wait to start with Mason!!!

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