
Easy DIY Fall Wreath – Kid Friendly!


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This year Harrison has started preschool at home. We don’t have a 3 year old program here, but Harrison is so excited to start school (mostly because he thinks the school bus will take him to Disney World, but that’s a whole different issue). We have been working from a workbook, reading, and doing a little bit of crafting. Today we decided to go on a search outside for some colorful leaves to make fall wreaths. These are such an easy project anyone can do it, and Micah helped too!



We collected leaves of all different colors, shapes and sizes. This is the perfect time of year to collect, because the leaves are about 50% changed at this point. If you don’t have colorful leaves in your area or it is past that time of year, you can buy colorful leaves at your local craft store.

*If you want your wreath to last for quite some time, you should press your leaves to dry for several days once they are collected.*



Once the leaves were collected, we headed back inside. The best part – this craft only takes 2 other materials, a paper plate and some glue. We cut the center out of the plate to make a ring and started to glue down the leaves.



That’s all there is to it! Put as many or as few leaves on the ring as you would like, set it out to dry, and find a place to display your work! Harrison is just 3 and was able to do this project completely on his own. Micah, who is 18 months, needed a little help. He liked collecting leaves and placing them on the plate, but I helped him finish it off.



What kinds of crafts have you been up to this fall? I look forward to seeing them!


2 responses to “Easy DIY Fall Wreath – Kid Friendly!”


    Love the art work, You boys did a good job.

  2. Tara Avatar

    This is so awesome! I can’t wait until I can do this with Mason! I may do it this year 😄