
August Garden Update

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If you have a garden, I hope this summer has been good to you! We have had our garden just take off over the last month. We have been lucky to have avoided many pests and weather problems. I hope we can have a garden like this every year!

Garden 811Our zucchini has already given us enough to make 3 loaves of zucchini bread. I made 24 muffins and put them in the freezer for the kids to eat over the next few weeks. We’ve also been eating broccoli and sweet peppers from the garden, but they haven’t produced the way I would have liked. The cucumbers and tomatoes on the other hand, have so many fruits started that I fear we will be eating them all winter long. The pumpkins are beautiful, but I have struggled with getting the fruits pollinated. They have been growing to golf ball sized pumpkins and then falling off due to a lack in pollination. It will be interesting to see if we get any pumpkins by fall.

Green Beans August

The real winners are the green beans. I have picked about 4 lbs of green beans so far and we have been eating them nearly every day. I froze a pound of them before we left for Micah’s appointment because we couldn’t eat them fast enough. I am currently picking about 8 oz every 1-2 days and the 4×4 box hasn’t even started producing. They are delicious.

Harrison in the Garden

The cucumbers are just starting to get to a picking size. Harrison loves to check on them. He was showing Ryan yesterday that you need to move the leaves to see them. Harrison spends almost as much time in the garden as I do. The cucumbers are going to start being ready by the dozen, so I see some canning in my future.

Eating from the Garden

I like to measure how much produce I pick, just for fun. However, I will never know how much broccoli or carrots we get. The boys pick them as soon as they look ready and eat them right in the garden. Yesterday the boys passed around a great big carrot. If they all grow to that size by the end of the season, I will be very happy.

This homesteading adventure is relatively new to us, but we have enjoyed doing it as a family. Harrison has been a part of the garden from the very first seed. He has really learned how to take care of the garden and now he knows what kind of sweet rewards you can get.

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