
July Instagram Recap

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I have a major love affair with Instagram. I love choosing a photo every day or two to show off what we have been up to. As a bonus, it is hooked up to Facebook, so the pictures can be seen on Scott Family Homestead there too. I know not everyone has Instagram, so I thought I would do a little recap of what July had in store for us.


We started out the month with a week of 4th of July celebrations. We went to the fireworks and 2 parades. The kids are at a great age for holiday celebrations and they had a blast. We went up north to Michigan and enjoyed great weather at the lake.



The chickens and ducks have been laying eggs like crazy. They have been happy and healthy. Hoping not to jinx things…we haven’t had any predator issues since the bear in the spring. We have had some deer in the yard, but they have stayed out of the garden, so I’m happy.


The garden has been such an adventure this summer. Ryan has been super helpful with weeding and watering. We have had some great successes and some failures, but we are learning a lot. The zucchini, cucumbers, green beans, and tomatoes have been a major success. The carrots, pumpkins, and broccoli need a little more time, but they look great too.


One of the most exciting events of July was purchasing our Little Blue Truck. It has been a good project for Ryan and I can happily say it is up and running. The kids love it and have been “helping” dad work on it.


This spring we made a promise that we would really enjoy this summer with the kids and pack it with as much fun as possible, but also time at home. We don’t often spend weekends at home, but we wanted to enjoy it this summer. We live where everyone else comes for vacation and we have enjoyed going to town and doing the tourist things that everyone else enjoys. It has been a great summer so far and I am looking forward to what August has in store!

Follow ScottFamilyHomestead on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date with all the great pictures and updates we share. Share your Instagram too so we can see what you are up to!


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