
Christmas Photo Shoot

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frostyThis blog is quickly transitioning to a “Mommy Blog” which isn’t really my intention, but it is how I spend most of my day. I promise there are more chicken and house projects going on in the background but I hope you enjoy hearing about my kids too!

When Harrison celebrated his first Christmas we did a little photo shoot and his pictures turned out so adorable. I’m definitely not a photographer, but I get excited every time I get some pictures that turn out…because there are quite a few failures. Today we got some great pictures of Micah for his first Christmas, but also of our boys together.

micahs-first-christmas micah micah-miles

These are the days I will miss. I have read the blogs about putting the camera down, enjoy the moment, etc. I believe that, I do, but I will also cherish the pictures that show how happy my kids really are. I’m trying to take it all in, but it’s going so fast, as any parent understands. The days are crazy, but I really wouldn’t have it any other way. As a bonus, our kids really like each other for the time being, so I’m going to capitalize on that and get some good sibling pictures while I can.

happy-boys brothers

I hope the season brings you happiness and joy! Give your little ones an extra hug and enjoy these days, as busy as they are. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!


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