
Temporary Chicken Housing

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We have moved about 30 minutes away from our first home. The new place doesn’t have a chicken coop, so we needed to set up something temporary. For a few weeks we left them in their coop and visited to feed and water them every other day. While not ideal, it worked out for a while.

Unfortunately, it got very cold one night and one of our barred rocks didn’t roost for the night. We lost her to the cold and knew we needed to move them ASAP.

We set up a temporary coop in our garage.



We used a dog kennel and some recycled signs. We put it together around our work bench, which the hens love to roost on.


We have some bins for temporary nest boxes until we go back to get our other ones.

I have a very expensive elaborate idea in mind for our permanent coop. Now we just need the snow to melt and the ground to thaw, which should take approximately 3-4 months at this rate.  In the meantime, check out my Pinterest board to see my inspiration.

Thanks for reading and stay warm!


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