
Our New Roof

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We have been working for about a year on getting a new roof put on the house.  We did the back part of the house last fall and finished up just a month or so ago.  We debated doing the front of the house ourselves, but the height and angle worried us a bit.  So, we hired a roofing company to come finish the job for us.  Besides some electrical work and the furnace, this is the only contracted work we have had done.

We started with a rough looking roof and an ugly chimney.Removing Old Shingles

Once the old shingles were removed, we were pleasently surprised to find that we didn’t need any new decking.Roof Repairs Roof Repairs 2

The roofers laid down new tar paper, ice and water shield, and the new shingles.  We also had a ridge vent put in.  We had some major water leaks this spring and we are hoping we have taken care of the problem. New Roof

What a big difference that makes!  The roof was a bit of an eyesore before and I think it looks great now.  The best part is, we didn’t have to do any of the work!

Over the next few weeks we will be working on the trim inside the house, especially base board trim.  Harrison is getting more mobile everyday and installing trim is part of the babyproofing plan.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook.  We post a lot of small updates there throughout the week.  Thanks for reading!


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