
Shut the Front Door

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I was going to give you an awesome tutorial on how to paint your front door.  Instead, I’m going to share my failure with you.  Today is just one of those days.

I wanted to pick a bright, bold color for our exterior doors.  I decided on a blue that was labeled as a “2013 Trending Color”.  Who can go wrong with that?  So I bought “Lapis Enamel” in Dutch Boy exterior door and trim paint.

I painted 2 coats on the door yesterday and let it dry in the sun.  It looked great and had an awesome glossy finish.Front Door Paint

Before I went to bed, I checked the door and made sure it wasn’t tacky or wet.  The paint seemed perfect and we put the door knob back on.Front Door


Looks pretty good huh?  Wait, what’s that at the bottom?  Oh, there’s water on the paint.  Must be from that mist this morning.Paint Bubbles


Ryan and I grabbed a rag to wipe the water off and make sure the color didn’t fade because of the water.  That’s when the paint bubbles started to wipe right off.Front Door Paint Problems


It looks like I will be sanding a repainting the door this week!  Even though the door was dry last night, it rained enough to bubble the paint.  I really would have thought the 8+ hours would have been enough, but I suggest painting when there is no rain in the forecast.  Otherwise, you can take the door off of the hinges and paint inside your house or garage.  We only had a slight chance of showers yesterday and I thought we would be safe, but I won’t take the chance again!


One response to “Shut the Front Door”

  1. Gary Kerr Avatar

    I really likes the concept that you decided the experience of painting and the troubles occurred during it. Well, thank you for suggesting us not to paint during rain hours or shower time. I found the post informative as well as interesting. Thanks.

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