
Town Cleanup Day

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We have been working hard today to get the siding off of the house.  Our local dump is having a Town Cleanup Day where you can drop anything off for free.  So, the siding has got to go!  We are only taking off the outermost layer so that we have a smooth place to put our new vinyl siding.  The place didn’t look great when we got it:

House Exterior



If you decide to tear off your siding, I advise that you give yourself more than one day to get it done.  It worked out for us because Ryan and my dad are rock stars, but I think they might be hurting tomorrow.

Ryan Tearing Down Siding Tearing Down Siding



Believe it or not, it looks much worse now.  Once we put on the house wrap our neighbors will be much happier.  (At least we live inside the ugly house and don’t have to look at it all day through our windows.)  Here are a couple of pictures to make you feel better about the house or apartment you live in:

Old SidingOld House SidingOld Siding Back


The house wrap will be going on sometime in the next week and I will definitely post some new pictures.


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