
Working Our Way Upstairs

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If you have ever been given a tour of our house, you will definitely remember the dark, creepy stairway.  There is one small light at the top.  If I did not have a flash on my camera, you wouldn’t be able to see the epic dark wallpaper covering the plaster walls.  The stairs need a lot of work.  It’s one of those projects you look away from every time you walk past because you know it’s not going to be fun.  Today we started the stairway project.  It’s going to take us some time to finish, but this is what it is starting as:





There was a door frame at the top of the stairs that blocked a lot of the light that comes from the window in the hall.  The hall has become a bit of a storage area, so please excuse the mess.



This is a look from the hall at the top of the stairs.  Today we were able to remove the doorway and the wall that is seen in this picture:StairTopOriginal.jpg


After a bit of work and a lot of mess, we were able to take down part of the wall to open up the stairway.  This is what it looks like now (still a work in progress):StairwayDuring.jpgStairsDuring.jpg


The after pictures are a bit of a mess, but we will be working on cleaning things up a bit and getting some new pictures soon.

After removing the wall, we noticed that it wasn’t even original! Why would you close off the top of the stairs? Some things I will never understand, but at least it wasn’t a supporting wall and we were able to make it nice and bright.  We are going to put a railing at the top of the stairs where the wall had been.  Step one of the stairway project is done, but as you can see we have a long ways to go.  Thanks for reading!

