
Dining Room

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Ah, the holidays are here!  Busy, busy, busy…it seems like our work will never get done.  We have not had much time to spend on the house with deer hunting, Thanksgiving, and now my graduation and Christmas coming up, but we try to get a few moments in here and there.  We don’t have a ton of updates to post, so I’ll try to keep it short. (Which is hard, because I could ramble on about this house for hours!)

Our biggest achievement involves the dining room.  The dining room is kind of a strange room that is more like a hallway between the kitchen and living room with a guest bedroom off of one side.  We haven’t really posted anything about the dining room before, so here is a look at what we were working with:

The floor is decent and the drywall is good for the most part.  Our big concern was with the exterior wall.  When we replaced the window we noticed that, like the living room, there wasn’t any insulation in the wall.  We decided to make a mess now and save the money in energy bills by tearing out the wall and insulating it while we had the chance.  We had to tear out the original beadboard walls, but it was well worth it.  Here is our newly insulated wall:

We are also slowly chipping away at our ridiculously long list of small projects, so we have a kitchen sink (no plumbing yet though) and a BATHROOM DOOR!

Ah, privacy 🙂 You don’t realize how nice it is until you design a bathroom next to large window and wait a few months to put the door on! That door is my new favorite thing!  We originally planned on painting all of the doors white to match the white cabinets and trim, but I love the way this looks.  Just another decision to flip-flop back and forth on for the next few months before we even get trim… Ryan may be getting sick of my indecisiveness.  His motto is always, “Good enough for the houses I build.”   (Although I’d be afraid to actually see a house he designed himself.)

Well, that wasn’t nearly as short as I thought it would be, so thanks for sticking with me.  Ryan and I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and Merry Christmas! Hopefully we will have more updates soon.  Thanks for reading!
