
Ezra is 8 Months!

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Ezra has been keeping us busy with his new skills. Now that he is crawling and getting into things, our days have gotten crazy!

Ezra is getting the cutest chubby thighs and is just squishy. He’s over 20 lbs now and about 29 inches.

Ezra has also learned to say Dada and give kisses. He hasn’t started to say Mama yet, but the other 2 said Mama first and I’m happy Ezra gave this one to Dad.

Ezra was also baptized in June! We had a beautiful ceremony and welcomed him into the church. We are so grateful for everyone who was able to come celebrate with us.

We also had a fun month with Ezra’s first boat ride and first camping trip. He is starting to see what being a Scott boy is all about.
