
Lumberjack Birthday Party


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Lumberjack Brunch Birthday Party

First of all, I want to send a big thank you to everyone who attended our Lumberjack brunch! I love throwing birthday parties for my kids. Getting everyone together and celebrating the two best things that have ever happened to me sounds just about perfect. Besides, I’m a bit of a Pinterest addict and love to fill my evenings with projects when I have the time. While this party wasn’t exactly Pinterest worthy, I would love to share some of the fun things we had.

Lumberjack Birthday Party Decorations

Lucky for us, Hobby Lobby has a whole section of lumberjack party supplies. If you know Ryan and I, you will understand that we are kind of lumberjack people. I majored in Forestry, we live in the country, plaid is a staple in our wardrobes, and Ryan has the lumberjack beard. We pretty much didn’t have any choice but to have a big ol’ brunch with plaid on every surface. I still had some birch disks and lanterns from our wedding center pieces, and they fit right in.

I made some simple envelop pillow covers in some “Bearly Beaver” fabrics I found on Fabric.com. Micah has some cloth diapers made in this fabric and it was too cute not to use it at the party. I have a bunch of mismatched pillows that I’ve been meaning to made seasonal covers for and I think these will look great in the fall/winter next year. You can see them in our family picture.

Lumberjack Party Family Picture

I made a progression banner of Micah’s monthly pictures, which hung above our drink station (complete with paper birch straws from Amazon).  All it took was a little bit of card stock, pictures, and some plaid ribbon.

Lumberjack Brunch Decorations

We had all of the good brunch foods, including pancakes, french toast, farm fresh eggs, bacon, sausage, homemade maple syrup, fruit, juice, coffee, mimosas, and beer. What could be better? We bought some great red chaffing dishes from Party City that fit the theme perfectly and labeled the food with some plaid card stock.

Lumberjack Brunch Food

Oh, and several posts on Pinterest got me interested in s’more mix, a tasty treat of marshmallows, chocolate chips, and golden grahams. I highly recommend it.

S'More Mix Lumberjack Party

Like I mentioned before, Hobby Lobby had an assortment of lumberjack decorations and party supplies.

Lumberjack Birthday Supplies from Hobby Lobby

We finished the day with a lumberjack cake and some cupcakes with ax toppers, also from Hobby Lobby.

Lumberjack Cupcake Cake

Lumberjack High Chair Banner

The boys had a great time and I hope our guests did too! Ryan and I enjoyed having everyone here. Now we have to think up a theme for next year! As any parent knows, the months go by fast and it will be here before we know it. As always, thanks for reading and check back soon for more fun!


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